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Consumers > Nubank launches personalized recommendations in the app home screen

Nubank launches personalized recommendations in the app home screen

Customers will receive data-driven reminders to optimize everyday financial decisions and product suggestions; functionality will be made available gradually to users

São Paulo, March 23, 2023 – In another step to free people from complexity in financial services, Nubank announces a new feature within its app that offers smart suggestions customized for each customer. The feature promotes an intuitive and personalized experience for users with solutions that match their daily needs. 

“We know the increasing amount of information people receive daily and how difficult it is to keep up with it – especially regarding financial matters. Forgetting to pay a bill can have a not-very-pleasant consequence, and not being aware of a new product can be a missed opportunity. That’s why we decided to develop an intelligent tool that helps our customers with suggestions in a proactive way”, comments Lucas Pettinati, Nubank’s app experience leader.

The new feature will be hard to miss, as the recommendations will be at the top of the home screen of the app. As soon as the customer accesses it, the tool suggests actions that anticipate financial needs, such as re-trying an unsuccessful transaction, approving or not approving a suspicious purchase, paying the Nubank credit card bill, saving money for a future goal, or even taking out mobile insurance after buying a new device. Once these actions are completed, the recommendations disappear, and new relevant information appears.

“The idea is to offer personalized tips and make the actions within the Nubank app even more intuitive, simplifying and optimizing operations so that each of our customers achieves concrete goals or have their needs met”, adds Pettinati.

To automate the management of personal finances, Nubank invested last year in new solutions and products such as the Payments Assistant, a platform that facilitates the management of day-to-day commitments by centralizing bills; the Program Money Boxes function, which allows people to program the recurrence of deposits in the various Money Boxes they have created or will create in the app; and the launch of personalized recommendations in Open Finance, with suggestions and relevant information to assist in making money management decisions.

For media inquiries, please reach out to press@nubank.com.br and events@nubank.com.br.

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